Ok, Final Tally:
Number of plays seen: 16
Number of Tube trips: 30
Number of bus trips:7
Number of times my towel was changed at the dorm: 3 times a week
Number of times I took a bath during the heat wave: at least twice a day
Number of times I ate breakfast in the dorm: once
Number of chocolate croissants from the bakery I ate for breakfast: maybe 10
Number of packages of Maltesers I bought: 4
Number of times the Maltesers melted in my room because of the heat: 4
Number of pints of Guinness I drank: 8 (really, that's all)
Number of minibar items I consumed: that's kind of a personal question
Number of minor flirtations: 2
Number of minor flirtations with bartenders: 4 (is anyone surprised by this?)
Number of times I went to Harrod's: 1
Number of times I thought about going to Harrod's: everyday.
Number of times I was lost: 3
Number of times I lost my sunglasses: 2
Number of times I lost my tube pass: thankfully none
Number of minutes spent on the London Eye: 30
Number of minutes I wished I was not on the London Eye: 30
Number of times I asked people if I could take their picture: about 20
Number of people who said no: One, a scary guy on a motorcycle.
Number of times I was told to put my camera away: 3, ok 4 or maybe 5
Number of pictures I took: over 800
Number of very nice, interesting people I met: at least 100
Number of times I will think about London when I am home: infinity
It was a great adventure and I had a fantastic time. To see more pictures go to my
British Museum page.